I discovered 'Radioactive' by Imagine Dragons after it was used heavily in the TV advertisements for
Assassin's Creed III. (It has since be used to advertise a newer film, 'The Host', based on the book by Stephenie Meyer, the author of The Twilight Saga books - possibly very popular with the age of my target audience.) I liked it, so I searched for it on YouTube and obviously discovered the original video. Like many modern music video, it is more like a short film, with the band either featuring in the narrative or clips of them playing (in the same setting) are used. In these terms, the video is nothing like mine, however it was the opening that caught my eye.
It features a girl simply walking from A to B, quite a monotonous event, which the director of this video has combated by their use of various different shots. They keep the events interesting, and instead of simply watching a girl walk, the viewer is prompted to wonder where she is going, and why she is going, made more mysterious by her choice of clothing and the covered box that she is carrying.
Use of focus - As you can see, this shot sees the girl walking towards the camera which is located on the groud, with the leaves in the forefront in soft focus, and the girl approaching from the background in focus. I really like the way that this shot has been put together and I plan to use a similar effect on the shots of Jonny playing the guitar, with the neck of the guitar in focus, and Jonny out of focus whilst he plays.
Worm's view - As she walks towards the camera, a worm's view shot has been used whereby the camera is low and tilted up towards the character. I think this looks really effective as it gets the trees into the shot, and creates a great contrast between the branches and the sky. Trees are a huge part of my video, so being able to create a shot like this where both my character and the trees are in full view is great inspiration for me when I come to film.