This is the exported version of my final video that I have uploaded to YouTube as a better viewing platform. 

Although I am happy with the outcome, as I had no prior experience with the software or film editing of any kind (as I chose the print work brief for my Foundation Portfolio) I feel that there are many areas where my video can be improved:

  • When watching my video I am really disappointed with how I have synced the mouth movements of my main character to the lyrics of the song, as they are slightly out of time on numerous occasions. I do feel that this is due to my main character not pronouncing the words of the song well enough, making his mouth movements too subtle. As the director I should have noticed this whilst filming and should have attempted to address the problem and eradicate it.
  • I am also not really happy with the first half of the video compared to the second, as I feel I did a much better job of telling the story in the second half compared to the first. In general the second half flows better and appears more like a music video rather than a random compilation of clips.

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