Using the time management plan that I made for February, I decided that the optimal time to film my video was the February half term. This is because I won't be in college therefore I'll have a lot more time on my hands to be able to dedicate a slot to film. Getting access to my main character will also be easier during the holidays, as long as neither of us have other commitments such as work. I asked my manager for my shifts (and asked Jonny to do the same) and found out that the two days that we were both free to film were the Tuesday and the Thursday.

The weather on the Tuesday was exactly what I wanted so I was really pleased as this meant I wouldn't have to reschedule to another day. It was slightly brighter than I wanted however I thought that I would see how the footage turned out, and if it was too bright I could edit the brightness/contrast when in Premiere Pro. Having previously visited the location and taken various stills of shots that I wanted to create and created a storyboard based on this, I was able to make a quick start to make the most of the daylight before it started to get dark, which was increasingly earlier at this time of year.

The images below show me setting up on location with the camera and tripod, which I also extended for a number of my shots in order to reach the height that I was looking for.

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