INSPIRATION - Birdy's 'Shelter' video

One of the videos that I have already mentioned as an inspirational text was the video for 'Shelter' by Birdy. Many aspects of this video appealed to me, so I wanted to go into a bit more detail about those.

Walking away from/towards the camera - This was definitely something that I wanted to include, as shown in my storyboard, however this video gave me further inspiration of how I could execute this to make it look effective and project my intended emotions to my target audience. In her music video for Shelter, Birdy is the only person who appears, similar to my concept of focusing the video on the male character. There are numerous shots where she is simply walking toward or away from the camera, looking back in a sorrowful way to make it clear to her audience what she is feeling. The dull tones of the lighting add to this, creating a very somber atmosphere which is further emphasized by the melancholy lyrics.

Use of a musical instrument (links to Anthony Goodwin's theories) - As the screen shot shows, Birdy includes shots of her playing a piano in her video for 'Shelter', which have obviously been synced to the audio in order to make her appear to be playing the melody. This is a shot that I planned to include in my video, whereby the image and the audio were properly synced, linking them together to take away from the somewhat disjointed style of my narrative. However instead of a piano I planned to use a guitar, as the male that I plan to feature in my video as the main character is a skilled guitar player and is willing to learn my proposed song to enable me to vary my shot types and give another dimension to my artist.

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