Here are a few examples of music videos that I feel relate closely to my choice of song and approach to my video. There are various aspects of each video which I am inspired by and hope to learn from/encapsulate in my video such as camera and editing techniques, locations and lighting.

Birdy - Shelter
This is one of my favourite songs, originally by The xx, covered by Birdy. The video for this song is very much like what I have proposed to create for 'Please Let Me Go', my chosen track, although I do not intend to copy it.

As I mentioned in my last post, I have chosen a very natural location, such as a park or a forest so this video is very helpful for me to see how I could make best use of this location. Furthermore, the lighting in the video is also quite similar to how I want to light my video however the 'feel' of my chosen song requires a ever so slightly lighter atmosphere. Clips in this video such as 0:20 shows how something as simple as walking can be given emotion by being slowed down slightly, which is a technique I plan to use in the editing of my video. I also want to use the slow motion effect on the scenes in which the narrating character will actually mouth the lyrics.

Another part of this video that I like and would like to incorporate into my video is the part when Birdy holds her hand up towards the sun, blocking out the light and letting it shine through her fingers. I think that this would be effective in a scene where my two characters could be touching hands in the air and the let go of each other with the sun shining between the hands, or something along those lines. 

Ellie Goulding - Guns and Horses
This video, like Shelter is also set in a forest however it is inspirational in different ways than the  previous video. Artists have to be careful not to over-act and make their lyrics cheesy, which I feel Ellie Goulding has done. Some of the hand gestures she makes, along with the zombie solider dancers make the video as a whole quite cringe-worthy, which I feel a video revolving around a romantic narrative has the possibility of being. Therefore this video has shown me some of the "don'ts" that I need to be aware of when directing my characters. 
'So the lion fell in love with the lamb...' - Twilight

This clip is from the movie Twilight and is the clip where they say one of the most famous quotes from the film. It is a very romantic scene in its own way, and is quite climatic as all of the previous scenes have been leading up to this moment where Bella reveals she knows Edward is a vampire. The costume choices and lighting choices of my video reminded me of Twilight and also the location as it is similar to this scene. When I watched it on YouTube there was a particular part of the clip which I thought would be really effective for my video. It is at 2:22 and shows Bella backed up against a large tree with Edwards arms imprisoning her, and gradually him releasing her in a defeated manor, which ties in well with the narrative of my video.

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