The next part of my brief was to create a magazine advertisement for the CD cover, so I had a look on the internet and in some of my music magazines for examples of advertisements that I could take inspiration from. I tried to keep them within my chosen genre of Alternative/Indie, or chose them because they had similarities to my ideas or simply because I liked the layout/font/images.

Florence + the Machine - 'Lungs'
The first ad I found was for 'Lungs' by Florence + the Machine's, who are a band that can be categorised as being 'indie rock'. The colour scheme is obviously very similar to my own, using a lot of green and very natural tones. This magazine advertisement doesn't actually feature an obvious small image of the album itself, as the main image used on the ad is the image that is used on the cover. I don't think that I want to use an image of my album artist for the magazine advertisement, as I want to somehow incorporate the same wallpaper image as I have used on the CD cover to keep them in consistency. It obviously includes all of the conventions of an album advertisement; the artist name, album name, the date the album will be released and also the artist website.
Kasabian - 'Empire'
This ad belongs to the band Kasabian, which is advertising their album 'Empire'. Like the previous ad, this one also uses the image from the CD cover as the main image, simply extending the background colour to fit the A4 dimensions to make it look like a larger image. This album includes all of the conventions detailed in the last paragraph, however this ad also includes reviews from well known music magazines (from the Indie/Alternative genre) such as Q and NME. These are typically magazines that my target audience would read, so I could consider including reviews from these names to further appeal to the music taste of my target audience.

Marina & the Diamonds - 'The Family Jewels'
This advertisement is actually promoting both an album and a single. The image at the bottom shows the latest single from the artist that is featured on the album ('The Family Jewels'). As you can see, the background uses a similar vintage wallpaper theme as my CD cover has. As mentioned, I want to try and incorporate this wallpaper image into my magazine ad, so this shows me how to use both the wallpaper and an image of my artist effectively, if I choose to. Unlike the previous two ads, this one incorporates a main image and an image of the actual CD cover, which is something that I wanted to do with my ad. It has been kept in consistency by using the same font and loose colour scheme, whereby the text is pint on the image of the cover, and there is a slight pink tint to the cheeks of the artist in the main image. This ensures that the smaller image of the album cover stands out but doesn't clash, and still retains the general 'image' for the whole advertisement campaign.

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