Having added the ripped wallpaper and the main sell line (as shown to the left), I now had to add all of the minor text, including the date that the album is being released, the websites of the artist and record label and the record label logo.

The date that the album is being released is one of the more important pieces of information as it ensures that your audience know exactly when the album is coming out and can go and buy it. As a first try, to keep things easy and to save thinking of a date I simply used my own birthday; 17th May 2013. Originally, I thought I wanted to display the date in a numerical format as you can see to the right, however I felt that this just didn't suit my concept, so I changed it to a word format. I decided to make the date a bit less specific to intrigue the reader and make them wonder when it is actually coming out. I took away the day and left it to the month and the year, changing the month from May to October. I did this for a number of reasons;

  1. 'May' is too short - I felt that such a short word followed by the longer 2013 looked out of balance, so I knew that I needed to use a longer month.
  2. May is in spring/summer which encourages the assumption of good weather and a general happy feeling that it's nearly summer (especially for my teenage audience who spend the whole year counting down to the summer holidays.) My video concept is the complete opposite to the feeling that May brings: it's set in autumn, the end of the summer and the marker that the warm weather is over for another year; the location provides a miserable colour scheme; the characters will be wearing coats and scarves; and the storyline is about a break up of a relationship.
Because of these factors, I came to the conclusion that 'October' would be a much more fitting month as it's in autumn, is associated with the start of the cold weather and provides the weather and overall 'look' that I want for my video.
"OCTOBER 2013"

I found that when I added the image of the CD cover and the release date, the image as a whole was still quite sparse and had a lot of unnecessary white space. To combat this I decided that I would make a 'sell sticker' that would outline a key feature of the advert but not just appear as another piece of text. Using the murky green that I had previously used for the border around my front album cover, I created a vector circle on Photoshop and a smaller white outline of the circle to break up the image and create its own border. I chose to use Times New Roman for the font on the sticker as Nueva Std is more suited to upper case letters, and didn't work as effectively on lower case.

This sticker is very similar to one that you might find on the front of a CD cover. Its purpose is to tell prospective buyers some of the tracks that are included on the album that have previously been released as singles and may have had commercial success. Telling them this will let them know that this is the long awaited album from the artist of those singles, making them more likely to buy it knowing their favourite songs are featured. Obviously I have included the name of the actual song that my video is on, along with the '&' symbol and another shorter name to ensure that the whole thing was equally weighted as to not look messy.

From studying pre-exisiting magazine advertisements for CDs, I found that another convention was incluidng a web address on the ad. This was usually for the artist so that readers could access their website and learn more about them. There was also a web address included for the record label on many of the magazine advertisements, therefore I decided to include both on mine.

Obviously, the main feature of the magazine advertisement is the CD that it's aiming to promote, so I definitely wanted to include an image of it. This was the reason that I included the wallpaper at the top of the ad, as it ties it in with the CD cover and creates a strong image that has a consistent colour scheme and obvious target audience, opposed to a bright pink and yellow colour scheme that would appeal to Pop music fans.

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