The location that I have chosen for my video is a forest, or a area with lots of trees. This is because of the natural feel that I think the song has, and a forest is somewhere I picture it to be set when listening. As well as the trees, I want to perhaps find a location that has some other items in it like a bench or a broken down wall etc. If I only have my characters walking around a forest, they won't have anything to interact with, so these items would be ideal.
The image above is a secondary sources that I found online, which illustrates what I want to capture in my video in terms of lighting. I really love the way light shines through trees at a certain time of day, as shown in these images. The way it shines would enable me to capture the shot that I have previously talked about, inspired by a shot in Birdy's 'Shelter' video. The light is shining through her fingers, which is similar to the effect I want to create with my characters, in which the light is shining through their fingers as they hold hands then serparate.
Furthermore, my location will allow me to make the two characters the focal point of the video, without any background distractions that would occur in a street or a very public place.

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