Now that I had the basic layout for the front and the back of the CD cover I could start properly editing them further on Photoshop. Although I was much happier with the blue/green colour scheme, I still wanted it to be darker and with more contrast, therefore I decreased the brightness and increased the contrast. I then altered the exposure of the image, the end products of which can been seen below.

I was really pleased with the end result of the various edits I made, as I felt that this much darker colour scheme was on the whole better for my CD cover, and matched my video concept much more. The pattern was made much darker which heightened the contrast between itself and the background of the image, meanwhile the image was also contrasting with the white space created by the rip which I thought emphasised the ripped effect and added to the 'old' look.

The next step I took was to repeat the processes that I used to make my previous test piece look vintage. This involved:
  • Increasing the size of the canvas to create a border which I filled with a dark, murky green and burnt the edges to make it look worn. 
  • Adding noise to the image to give it an old and grainy effect.
  • Adding a new noise layer and using the magic wand tool to remove most of the layer to leave behind larger grainy spots that made the image look old and worn.
  • Creating a clipping mask for the new layers so they didn't alter the appearance of the border.
Now that I had the final image for my cover (the ripped wallpaper with old/aged effects) I now had to add the text.

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