Now that I have the front and the back of my CD cover, I need to bring them together into a digipak. This is basically the CD cover 'skin' that when laid out flat looks like the image below, so when folded into a CD box would fit perfectly. Whilst creating the back and front of my cover, I kept referring back to this template to ensure that I was leaving enough room for the bleed and also for the final cut, to ensure that none of my imporant content would get cut off.

Creating this digipak was just a case of flattening the front and the back Photoshop documents, and placing them into the digipak template. I then had to create a spine for the cover, which I did by opening the unflattened version of the back cover, using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to select a thin rectangle of the cream background and drag that layer onto the digipak. I rotated this layer to make it vertical, and then placed it behind the front and back images to fill the spine area. Next, I used the text tool to replicate my album name and artists name in the same dark indigo colour that I have used throughout each document. I made the album title bold to differentiate it from the artist's name, and I have also placed a very small version of my record label logo at the bottom of the spine to balance it out and give further advertisement to the label.


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