The images below show a fashion article in a free magazine from the popular fashion retailer River Island, which was displaying party wear for the Christmas/New Year period. This article caught my eye because of its art direction that included some of the things that I am including in my CD cover and magazine advertisement. These are the damask wallpaper design that can be seen in the top right image on the fabric of the sofa, and the actual wallpaper on the bottom right image. These images are all from the same article which had very vintage sets and props, including frames. Frames were obviously something that I proposed to include in my advertisement pieces, and maybe even in my video if I can find some way to incorporate them.

These are examples of clothing that I found in the fashion retailer Next, which both fit in with my concept. The print on the shirt depicts a forrest, which is the location that I plan to film my video in, and the second's print (like the River Island fashion spread) is the damask wallpaper print that I am using for my album cover and advertisement.

These images are proof that some of the aspects of my concept are popular in the current trends and fashions and are included in the magazines and clothes that my target audience are exposed to. I hope that this will ensure that I can successfully appeal to my target audience.

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